HTML Cheat Sheet

It can be hard to remember everything that you have learned at first. That's why I have compiled my notes into cheat sheet. Hopefully, it can help you along the way!

Let's start with some basic HTML

Basic HTML
Name Syntax Purpose Notes
Opening <!DOCTYPE HTML> Used in the begining of an HTML document to let the browser know what language is being used Must use when making an HTML doc. It should be the VERY first thing on the page.
Making a comment <!- - Comment - -> This will not be coded. Instead, it can be used to write a note to whoever is reading the code ..
Title <Head> <Title>Hello</Title> </Head> Used to put a title in the tab on the browser. Can only be used between <Head></Head>
Link <a href=“url”>Link text</a> Used to put a link on a page
Link to same page <a href=“#IDtag”>Link text</a> Used to link to a specific area on a the same page This is linked using an ID tag
Image, w/description <img src=“url” alt=“Image description” > Used to put an image on a site. The alt tag allows screen readers to identify the image One MUST use an image description
Image Link <a href=“url”> <mg src=“img url”> </a> Used to make an image a link Useful to break up monotony

Now, Let's take a look at some HTML Tables. They are a simple way to organize data on a site

HTML Tables
Name Syntax Purpose Notes
Table Base <table>
This sets up the base of the table. Each <tr>, Table row, creates a row in the table. The <table> and <tr> are required. Without Table Date and information this code will not display any information.
Table Data <table>
<td>This in info in a sinlge column
This is what holds the information in your table. This also determines the number of columns in the row. The Table Data itself will not show any information till you put information in. Essentially, the plain HTml will show a blank space.
Table Heading <table>
Use <th> instead of <td> for headings on the table. Include scope="row/col" todesignate which it is heading. Always include the scope
Colspan/Rowspan coslpan="2" Makes a cell go across multiple row or comments depending on how it is tagged. ..